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Qubit Logo

“The team have introduced us to valuable contacts and are always there to provide solid support and advice when we need it.”

dpz capital logo

“Working together with Westminster has been exactly what the company has required to continue its growth. As an entrepreneur, I look for flexibility and creativity – attributes that are also key to Westminster’s ongoing success. As the founder of the business, it was important to work with a firm that understood family and Westminster maintains all the firepower of a private equity group but respects the dynamics and sensitivities of a self-made business.”

Ultimate Capital Logo

“Westminster’s team has been very proactive, flexible and committed to the development and growth of our strategic alliance. My team and I are really pleased with the refreshing approach they take to business and the way they support Ultimate Capital’s exciting growth plans. We value them as business partners, as close associates and as friends.”

Fairfax Logo

“Westminster have always displayed an in-depth understanding of our industry. Their advice and continuing support has been invaluable in enabling us explore new development opportunities and take our business to the next level. Their team are proactive, highly knowledgeable and a pleasure to deal with.”